Wood-Burned Spoons

I have a new love……..wood burning! It all started when I made my Dandelion Wood Etched box from Darby Smart. We have fallen in love with her DIY Kits, Deb made the Gilded Votives and Sherri made the 20′s Inspired Headbands.  We were thrilled when Nicole Farb the CEO and Founder of Darby Smart asked us to design a DIY Kit for her.Wood-Burned Spoons

I knew what I wanted the kit to be right away. On one of my many visits to Pinterest I was inspired by this pin, from  Gabrielle at Design Mom.
Darby loved the idea as well, and our wood burning kit was born! I
love, love, love these spoons. I already have another fun design idea
for my next set. I’m already planning for Christmas, I know that sounds
crazy but if I start now I will have several sets of unique spoons for

Wood-Burned Spoons

What do you have to do to get one of our fabulous kits…….head on over to
Darby Smart and order a kit and start burning! Our only request is that
you share a picture of the final product with us. You get to see our
creative ideas all the time, it’s our turn to see some of your talent!

Wood-Burned Spoons

Wood burning Totally Rocks……but you won’t know unless you get a kit and try it out for yourself

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Wooden Spoon Making Machine



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